Throughout our careers, we continuously hear the personal success stories from Corporate Gurus, Adorned C-Levels, and from the latest Pop-Culture Business Lords. What has made these individuals successful is the aggregate of each individual, who is behind the scenes. These individuals continue to provide dedicated and productive input and directly influence the value and meaning of the Gurus, C-Levels, and Business Lords words, enlightened vision, and theories of what they publish and speak about from their regal podiums. It is each person behind the scenes who makes these exalted leaders successful. Rarely do we get to hear the Front-Line Success Stories from those “back stage,” who make these business thespians so successful!

The Front-Line Success Stories pages of People * Leadership * Process * Solutions, Inc. ™ focuses on hearing about the day-to-day success stories from the Front-Line Leaders, who contribute day-in and day-out to the success of the organizations they choose to serve! This social arena is a place for each one of us to share the highs we experience – the lows we overcome – the challenges and adversities we address – the successes we experience – the lessons we learn the hard way in our day-to-day business lives.

Front-Line Success Stories will inspire us to continue to strive for success, educate us on the ways and methods we may choose to apply to overcome adversity and obstacles, and provide a place for us to share what inspires us to continue our quest for personal success and self-fulfillment.

The People * Leadership * Process * Solutions Community invites you to share your Front-Line Success Stories with one another.  These stories are meant to be anonymously communicated in an effort to help one another learn from each other’s experiences and accomplishments and to celebrate the people, who help  to make each of us able to bask in the limelight of success.  Please submit Your Success Stories at or in the text box in the upper right hand corner of this page.